Editorial Services

As an editor, I am quick and thorough. I dive in. I pick up what you’re putting down. I ask why? a lot. I love to find the meat of the story, engage with it, and trim the fat. I offer line and developmental edits in a collaborative and respectful spirit that honors the vulnerability it takes to live in a dizzying, heartbreaking, complicated world, and then put words on a page about it. 

I don’t believe that bringing out the editorial firing squad makes for a better (or more motivated) writer, and I believe in delivering edits with kind honesty. As a writer, I understand how hard it can be to keep the pen moving, and I support my clients in finding ways to overcome the urge to bolt.

Readthrough and Feedback

I’ll read through your full manuscript and write you an editorial letter (usually 5-10 single-spaced pages) with feedback and recommendations pertaining to theme, characters, dialogue, plot, structure, and other story elements. This is a good option for those on a budget who are looking for big picture feedback. This option does not include in-text comments or Tracked Changes.

Developmental Editing

A developmental edit is a detailed, big picture edit that considers all aspects of the story, from theme, characters, plot, structure, point of view, pacing, and so on. I provide in-text comments and detailed notes in Tracked Changes to show you exactly what I think is working and what needs a bit more work. In addition to in-manuscript notes, this also comes with an editorial letter with my overall feedback and recommendations for revision. This includes only one edit pass. Additional readthroughs or revision edits are an additional cost.  

Line Editing

A line edit is the closest, most microscopic edit, an examination of the manuscript on a sentence level. In addition to spelling and grammar, I’m reading for tone, repeated words or phrases, clunky sentences, syntax, word choice, dialogue, and so on, and making suggestions in Tracked Changes and in-text comments. This type of edit does not address the bigger picture story elements of a developmental edit, so line editing is most appropriate for writers who have a fairly evolved draft, know their story holds together well, and are wanting to ensure that each sentence sings.